Hospital beds for the Jewish Old Age Home in Pécs
Pécs, a beautiful city in southwest Hungary, has a Jewish community with a significant heritage and a promising future. The Pécs community organizes religious life for the Jews in the vicinity of the city and runs several charity programs, including a nursing home named after the late community member dr. László Szántó.
As all homes for the elderly worldwide, the house needed to make severe adjustments due to the COVID19 situation. As the pandemic is far from over, the adjustments and restrictions are prevalent and will stay with us in the long run.
Hungarian health authorities demand that residents who return from an outside treatment must stay isolated for 14 days. Presently, there are only a few beds suitable for isolation. The returning residents must move from room to room; their comfort and daily routine are disturbed to meet the isolation requirements.
This program aims to create a new, well-equipped isolation facility to correspond to the quarantine rules without compromising the dignity and comfort of the residents.
The Old Age Home has an unused garage with some adjacent facilities. The plan is to make these into a modern isolation building with a safety airlock system, bathrooms, etc., that will fulfill all epidemic safety rules while support the well-being of the residents.
The plan is to cover the renovation costs partly by raising funds and partly from own resources. Sadly, the Home’s income dropped because of the COVID situation, as only a restricted number of new residents was enrolled, and the operation became more expensive due to the severe alertness and increased safety measures the pandemic has introduced.
The Home asks for your help fund four modern hospital beds with side tables for the new isolation building.